


Scan resolution

Scan compression

Examples 1

Examples 2

Index and links

Who am I?

John Beeteson retired from a position of senior research scientist at IBM Greenock in 1998, after 20 years with IBM Research and Development. I hold over 50 US patents and many others world-wide, and am the inventor and co-inventor of two new display technologies. I am the author of a book and software "Visualising Magnetic Fields", published by Academic Press, and the four books of the WebSkel course. Prior to joining the digital computer industry I worked on radar systems and analogue computing.

Understanding Website Design and E-commerce.

Whether you want a full E-commerce website or your own personal site, the WebSkel books will answer your questions. From a full overview of E-commerce, through negotiating your site to designing your own, it's all covered in "Nuts and Bolts of Internet Business".

I run several websites and I've achieved a high Google ranking for them all. Read the secrets of getting to number one in "Getting to the Top of Google".