Examples 1



Scan resolution

Scan compression

Examples 1

Examples 2

Index and links


Here are a few examples of the HTML scripts that can be created free from http://www.hostedscripts.com

1. "Web Recommend": a text link to send an Email recommending your site to a friend.

Click here to recommend this website to a friend

Hosted By HostedScripts.com

2. "Jump Box": a drop down navigation list to your site.

3. "Mailing List": a link to allow your customers to join your mailing list.

Join Our Mailing List!

Hosted By HostedScripts.com

See the HostedScripts website for other scripts from this source.

4. Discussion group: You can create Discussion Groups from companies like Topica

The above animated clipart came from http://www.clipartgallery.com