Examples 2



Scan resolution

Scan compression

Examples 1

Examples 2

Index and links


1. You can generate simple movie type animations with Flash. Here's a text animation generated using the free Flashtyper from http://www.flashkit.com (click your browser "Reload Page" button to see the effect again).

2. A news "ticker tape" service: several are available at http://kresch.com.  Here's one on Science and Technology:

3. A currency converter from http://xe.net

xe.com  Universal Currency Converter™

Convert this amount
of this type of currency
into this type of currency.

enter any amount

scroll down to see more currencies

scroll down to see more currencies
Universal Currency Converter service and trade mark under license from xe.com. Terms of Use

4. A custom form: here's one example of the customisable forms from http://www.response-o-matic.comThis form is for customer feedback - try it out, comment on this site!


Thanks for visiting my site!

Your comments are appreciated!

Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send.


Your name:

Email address:

What is the purpose of your website? (Choose one)



What facilities will you need? (Check all applicable)

Shopping cart
Credit card payment
Survey forms


Have you any previous experience of website design?


Please leave further comments here



5. There are many spellcheckers on the web. You can try one out here: http://www.spellcheck.net
The spellcheckers listed are US English dictionaries. I haven't found suitable links to UK English or non-English dictionaries yet. If you find any, please let know.